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How to Use Waves Plugins when Using a Custom VST or VST3 Folder

Mar 26, 2022

Learn how to use Waves plugins if you use a custom VST or VST3 plugins folder.

All Waves plugins are installed to a folder named "Plug-Ins V14" (or whichever version is installed on your device), which is inside the Waves folder, located on your system hard drive. These files should not be moved.

Instead, a WaveShell is placed in your host application's plugins folder. The WaveShell connects your host application to the plugins as a software gateway.

Important Note!
Waves plugins are no longer officially supported as VST2 in any of our Supported Hosts We highly recommend using VST3 plugins in new sessions from now on, and migrating plugins in old sessions to VST3.

Default locations

During installation, the WaveShell is placed in these default locations:

  • Windows:
    VST: C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins
    VST3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
  • Mac:
    VST: Macintosh HD > Library > Audio > Plugins > VST
    VST3: Macintosh HD > Library > Audio > Plugins > VST3

When using a custom VST folder:

If you prefer using a custom VST folder, copy the appropriate WaveShell file into your preferred folder:

  • Windows:
    VST: WaveShell-VST [version number]_x64.dll
    VST3: WaveShell-VST [version number].vst3
  • Mac:
    VST: WaveShell-VST [version number].vst
    VST3: WaveShell-VST [version number].vst3

These files can also be found in the WaveShell backup folder:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WaveShells V14 (or whichever version is installed on your device)
  • Mac: Macintosh HD > Applications > Waves > WaveShells V14 (or whichever version is installed on your device)

Please note that you will need to copy the WaveShells to your custom folder again after any installation or update via Waves Central.

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