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eMotion LV1 Keyboard Shortcuts
Dec 05, 2019
Get familiar with useful keyboard shortcuts for the eMotion LV1 Mixer. Use these to control global, mixer, rack, channel and plugin parameters and selections.
All windows and modes:
Mode or Selection
Alt + Click on a control
Returns (most) controls to default value. This is also true with most plugins.
Ctrl / Command + T
Tap Tempo
F1 through F8
User Keys 1-8
Command + S
Save As (Currently available only in Mac systems)
The Mixer:
Mode or Selection
Alt + right Click / insert a plugin
The selected plugin is inserted in the same rack insert position on all channels in the layer.
Alt + right Click / bypass a plugin
Bypasses all plugins in the same rack insert position on all channels in the layer. This affects the chosen rack position, regardless the plugin type.
Alt + right Click / disable a plugin
Disables all plugins in the same rack insert position on all channels in the layer. This affects the chosen rack position, regardless the plugin type.
Alt + right Click / remove a plugin
Removes all plugins in the same rack insert position on all channels in the layer. This affects the chosen rack position, regardless the plugin type.
Ctrl + Click on plugin icon
Disables plugin
Ctrl + Alt + Click on plugin
Bypasses plugin
Ctrl + move image control vertically (Pan/Balance/Rotate)
Changes the width of the image without rotating.
Ctrl + Click on aux send on
Switches between aux sources
Channel Name Edit
Tab while editing a channel name (instead of Enter) to open the next channel name text field for edit
Custom Layer
Ctrl + Click on channel name
Open the custom Layer edit menu
EQ Graph
Drag Marker + hold Ctrl
While dragging an EQ band marker on the graph, press and hold Ctrl, to lock the marker in the gain or frequency axis, depending on the last marker position
Hold Ctrl + drag parameter value
Fine tune parameter value in mixer and plugins
Channels & Racks:
Mode or Selection
Ctrl + Click on plugin icon
Disables a plugin
Ctrl + Alt + Click on plugin icon
Bypasses a plugin
EQ Graph
Drag Marker + hold Alt
While dragging an EQ band marker on the graph, press and hold Alt, to change the Q value (if the plugin’s frequency band supports Q edit).
Preset Menu:
Mode or Selection
User Presets
Ctrl + Click on channel presets menu
Opens the menu in “Delete User Preset” mode, selecting a preset from the user menu will delete the preset from the session
Setup > Inventory Page:
Mode or Selection
Server / IO
Shift + F + Click on FW
Force a firmware installation on an I/O device or Server. This install will overwrite the existing firmware on the Firmware.
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